Success Before the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic

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Our team successfully represented VÍTKOVICE STEEL, a.s., in a legal dispute against a former board member. The case was notable not only for the financial amount at stake but primarily for the legal issue that was its core. The key issues in the dispute were the distinction between actions towards employees and towards members of the statutory body, as well as the electronic delivery, in particular the determination of the moment when an e-mail can be considered delivered. After success at both the court of first instance and the court of appeal, the opposing party brought the legal question to the Supreme Court. However, the Supreme Court rejected the appeal and largely adopted the argumentation of our team, which was also based on German literature and case law. This resulted not only in a significant success for our client but also contributed to greater legal certainty in the Czech legal environment regarding delivering of any documents via email, an area that is highly relevant today.


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