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The transaction team lead by Veronika Pázmányová, Head of the Bratislava Branch of Glatzová & Co., provided legal advice to the Czech investment group DRFG on its acquisition of a majority stake in FibreNet, s.r.o., a company building long-distance and local optical networks in Slovakia, for the purpose of its subsequent sale or long-term lease to the largest Slovak optical network operators. The legal advice included complete negotiation of the terms of the sale, the financing of the target company by DRFG, due diligence of the company and the drafting and negotiation of the transaction documentation. The total value of the transaction exceeded EUR 10 million.


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Dar městu Krnov

Nedávné povodně zasáhly Českou republiku a způsobily rozsáhlé škody na majetku a infrastruktuře. Mnoho lidí přišlo o své domovy a potřebuje okamžitou pomoc. Proto se naše kancelář rozhodla a přímým…