Comprehensive advisory services for J&T BANKA

zpět na výpis

We advised J&T BANKA, a.s. as the manager, administrator and listing agent and J&T IB and Capital Markets, a.s. as the arranger in connection with up to CZK 600 000 000 publicly offered senior secured bonds issued by Natland investiční fond SICAV, a.s. The bonds will be listed on the Prague Stock Exchange. The Czech National Bank approved the prospectus on 7 May 2024 its approval became effective on 8 May 2024. Partner Libor Němec led Glatzova’s legal team on the transaction supported by Jan Losenický, Junior Associate (both Prague).


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tiskové zprávy

Dar městu Krnov

Nedávné povodně zasáhly Českou republiku a způsobily rozsáhlé škody na majetku a infrastruktuře. Mnoho lidí přišlo o své domovy a potřebuje okamžitou pomoc. Proto se naše kancelář rozhodla a přímým…

tiskové zprávy

Donation to the town of Krnov

The recent floods have affected the Czech Republic and caused extensive damage to property and infrastructure. Many people have lost their homes and are in need of immediate assistance. Therefore,…