Glatzova & Co.’s 20th anniversary celebration

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On April 1st 2014 Glatzova & Co. celebrated the 20th anniversary its founding in the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art.

The grand celebration was attended by over 250 clients, business partners and personal friends not only from the Czech Republic, but (with slight exaggeration) from all over the world.

We welcomed our guests with an exhibition that mapped the most important milestones of the 20-year history of Glatzova & Co.

The Big Mach Orchestra led by Martin Chodúr then provided music and choreographer Kisa Pivodová put on a dance performance titled \"Legal Process\". Guests had the opportunity to see funny personal video presentations of Glatzova’s six partners and also have fun with their subsequent interviews led by master of ceremonies Jakub Čermák. After the official part of the evening finished, the Cuban band Mezcla as well as a DJ provided more music for guests to dance to, while exotic singer Amparo Gonzalez from Buenos Aires contributed to the festive atmosphere in the main hall.

There were lots of flowers, an “old books” cake as a chronicle of Glatzová & Co. and a special gift - a painting created by the guests during the evening. This painting was solemnly passed to founder Vladimira Glatzova by the Czech movie star Aňa Geislerová.



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