ESG legal advice to ARETE INDUSTRIAL and Winstor investiční společnost

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Glatzová & Co. advised investment fund ARETE INDUSTRIAL and its administrator Winstor investiční společnost in connection with complex ESG strategy implementation. ARETE INDUSTRIAL which focuses in investments into income industrial properties in the middle and east Europe now belongs to the category of "light green funds" within the meaning of Art. 8 of the SFDR directive. These funds support the policy of permanent sustainability and ARETE INDUSTRIAL is one of the first real estate investment funds in the Czech Republic that implemented ESG strategy according to the respective legislation. ARETE INDUSTRIAL will now in its investment decisions consider not only financial but also social, environmental and ethical factors. Team Glatzová & Co. led our partner Libor Němec and Andrea Pišvejcová a senior associate.


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Dar městu Krnov

Nedávné povodně zasáhly Českou republiku a způsobily rozsáhlé škody na majetku a infrastruktuře. Mnoho lidí přišlo o své domovy a potřebuje okamžitou pomoc. Proto se naše kancelář rozhodla a přímým…

Press releases

Donation to the town of Krnov

The recent floods have affected the Czech Republic and caused extensive damage to property and infrastructure. Many people have lost their homes and are in need of immediate assistance. Therefore,…