Glatzová & Co. represented the municipality of Poříčany

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Glatzová & Co. represented the Municipality of Poříčany in negotiating and concluding complex contractual documentation regarding the sale of development land along the D 11 motorway. The transaction with a total value of approximately CZK 160 million was concluded with a project company from the HECHT group of garden equipment dealers. The legal team of our law firm was led by partner Erik Kolan with the support of associate Lucie Martinková. Hecht Group was represented by Baroch Sobota, law firm. Erik Kolan commented: “ We are pleased that within a short period of negotiations we have managed to conclude a comprehensive contractual documentation that sets the cooperation between the municipality and the investor in the development and subsequent operation of the planned HECHT Group site.“


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Dar městu Krnov

Nedávné povodně zasáhly Českou republiku a způsobily rozsáhlé škody na majetku a infrastruktuře. Mnoho lidí přišlo o své domovy a potřebuje okamžitou pomoc. Proto se naše kancelář rozhodla a přímým…