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The law Firm Glatzová & Co. provided legal services to DRFG, a Czech investment fund focused on telecommunications, real estate and retail, with the acquisition of a majority share in TeleDatl, a company which focuses on providing comprehensive services in designing, construction and maintenance of telecommunication and energy structures. The legal services included a legal audit of the company, drafting and negotiating the transactional documentation and the legal team of Glatzová & Co. led by Veronika Pázmányová, who was supported by Simon Šufliarsky, also helped to set up a model of future collaboration between DRFG and the company's remaining shareholder.


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Dar městu Krnov

Nedávné povodně zasáhly Českou republiku a způsobily rozsáhlé škody na majetku a infrastruktuře. Mnoho lidí přišlo o své domovy a potřebuje okamžitou pomoc. Proto se naše kancelář rozhodla a přímým…