Lucia Regecova returns to Glatzova & Co as Counsel

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As of 1 March 2020, Glatzova & Co. is happy to welcome Lucia Regecova back as Counsel at our office in Prague. Lucia is a highly experienced attorney, with 18 years of professional experience. She was previously with Glatzova & Co for six years as a Managing Attorney and the head of our Slovak practice. After four years with MOL Czech Republic, where she led the Corporate Services department, Lucia is returning to the active profession of law with valuable managerial know-how from the corporate world. Lucia's extensive experience also includes working for national and international clients. She specialises in M&A, real estate and contract law. “We appreciate Lucia highly because of her professional approach and we are glad to have her back with our firm” says founding partner Vladimíra Glatzová.


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Úspěch před Nejvyšším soudem České republiky

Náš tým zastupoval úspěšně společnost VÍTKOVICE STEEL, a. s., v řízení proti bývalému členu představenstva. Zajímavým na sporu nebyla jen finanční částka, o kterou se vedl, ale především právní…

Press releases

Success Before the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic

Our team successfully represented VÍTKOVICE STEEL, a.s., in a legal dispute against a former board member. The case was notable not only for the financial amount at stake but primarily for the legal…

Press releases

Zastupovali jsme společnost VABU INVEST

Glatzová & Co. zastupovala developerskou společnost VABU INVEST s.r.o. při koupi 100 % akcí ve společnosti Synergy Capital a.s. Synergy Capital je vlastníkem pozemků v pražských Modřanech, na…